Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Finding Free Guided Meditations on the Internet

I for one don't mind paying for quality, however sometimes finding quality can be difficult. Fortunately, when it comes to guided meditation, there are quite a few excellent sources to "try before you buy".

One great place to start is:
I only realised the other day that they had a heap of free music. There are a couple of good ones there. You can listen to a sample online and if you like it, you can download the MP3

Another site where you can listen for free is:

One of my personal favourites is here:

I hope you enjoy these sources of free Guided Meditations!

Learning to Meditate using Guided Meditations

Many times it's getting started that is the hardest part of learning any skill. Whilst it's fairly easy to find an article or a book on meditation, it's not always as easy to translate the words into action. Many people seek out meditation classes in their local area to get a quick start.

Meditation is an integral part of many religions and has been for thousands of years. For many seeking out a meditation class, they also get a religion as an extra, so it pays to ask first before starting a class.

Another way to get started is using pre recorded guided meditations that you can buy from your local Music Store or Download Online. Many people find this a great way to get started. One of the great things about this way is that you don't have to wait to go to a class before you feel the benefits of meditation. With online stores you can usually listen to a sample before you actually commit to paying any money.

It's widely accepted that Meditation is beneficial to health and mental wellbeing. And whilst technology can stress us in one way, it can also help us in another.

Meditate now, you deserve it!